Submitted by Navarro College Student Jonathyn Faulkner-Smith
SSG Angela Ruth Hogan, who as a 20 year-old enlisted into the United States Army on Aug 2, 1989. She went to Ft. McClellan, Alabama for Basic Training and trained as 91R Food Inspector at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas. When she enlisted, she was a single mother of a son, Derrique. In July of 1991, she married Specialist Antonio Hogan and gave birth to a second child, a daughter, Deidra.
In January 1990, SSG Hogan was assigned to 97th General Hospital in Frankfurt, Germany. From Germany, she supported the Gulf War/ Operation Desert Storm conflicts through an influx of patients from the front lines. She left Germany in March of 1992 and moved to Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri, where she had her third child in De’ Andre in December.
In August 1993, she returned to Ft Sam Houston, TX to reclassify her military occupational specialty (MOS) to a 91S preventive medicine specialist.
The stressors of military life led to her divorce in August 1994. She was then assigned to Ft. Stewart, Georgia, where she continued to work in Preventative Medicine. She later ended her active duty service and converted to Reserve status. After joining a reserve unit in Jacksonville, Florida, Angela went to Combat Medic Training and eventually Licensed Vocational Nursing Training. During training, her children stayed with their grandparents in Georgia.
SSG Hogan later moved her children to Maryland, where she joined the 2290th U.S. Army Hospital Reserve unit. In 2004, she was activated back into active duty as a Combat Medical Instructor at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas in support of the war in Afghanistan until 2009.
Throughout Angela’s career, she took college courses in pursuit of a Degree in Psychology. Upon completing her 20 years of service, she returned to school to finish her Psychology Degree. Now, she travels and trains medical personnel in the use of electronic medical software. Her oldest son Derrique is also a Veteran, having served in combat in Afghanistan.
SSG Angela Hogan’s Awards include the Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Global War on Terror Service Medal, NCO Professional Development Ribbon, Army Service Ribbon and the Army Overseas Service Ribbon.